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Remote jobs
Maya from Snaphunt avatar
Written by Maya from Snaphunt
Updated over a week ago

These are jobs where you require the person to work remotely all the time. Remote jobs can be:

Remote local jobs

These are jobs where you require candidates from the same country as the job location. If you are looking to attract talent in a specific country, use this selection:

For remote local jobs, in your job settings choose:

  • Job location: choose the country you would like to access talent from

  • Remote job - Yes

  • Under “Would you like to expand your search to candidates who require a visa?” - NO

NB: If you are looking to source remote talent from a specific country, please choose that country in the job location. Snaphunt’s algorithms will then consider potential matches across that country, regardless of mobility, when scanning talent for remote local jobs.

Remote international jobs

These are jobs where you would like to access candidates from different geographies. For remote international jobs, in your job settings choose:

  • Job location: choose your company/team’s country of location

  • Remote job - Yes

  • Under “Would you like to expand your search to candidates who require a visa?” - YES and choose the appropriate option (No work visa or sponsorship required)

NB: If you are looking to source remote talent from a specific country, please choose that country in the job location. Snaphunt’s algorithms will then consider potential matches across the country, regardless of mobility, when scanning talent for remote local jobs.

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